Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Back to Life, Back to Reality...

(You're welcome for that song now being firmly lodged in your brain...)

Oh so much has happened around here as of late, I don't even know where to begin. Adam is switching jobs (just had his first day with the new one today), contemplating a second one, and I have been struggling to keep up with all things with my all-day-morning-sickness and fatigue. Yup, if you don't already know, our Fourth Shining Star will arrive sometime mid-February - once you get to four, you tell one or two people and then hope it eventually filters around to the rest before the baby arrives. What this has all meant is major adjustments. First of all, we're not used to having Adam around, and he's not used to being around. As sad as it is, his abcense has become our norm. Therefore, his in-between-jobs couple of weeks have been a little crazy. The kids have been hanging on him every second they are awake. Bella and Kane are vying for his attention, with talk being the weapon of choice for Bella, rough-housing for Kane. Max on the other hand screams like a panther every time Adam dares to set him down. For some reason, Papa says he can't hold him all day long, and Max just can't understand WHY :-).

For me, Adam being around has meant collaboration on family life, and I am nice and settled in my way being the way. Our parenting styles have clashed a bit here and there, that's for sure. Then there's the whole meals issue - NOT used to having to think of him when I cook, or think of having meals prepared, because he hasn't been around for meals but one day a week for the last year and a half. The kids and I generally fly by the seat of our pants when it comes to food and when to have it. Not that it works well for us, it is just where we've ended up. So meal planning is something we're working on. Another thing that needs some improvement on my part is being able to take care of the house with him around. It's so far out of my frame of normal for him to be here, I feel like we are all on vacation and shouldn't have to do anything. I have just wanted to spend the time hiking, playing, swimming, gardening, putt-putting, etc, etc.... Which, along with the "morning" sickness, definitely adds to the dissaster that the kitchen is in right now. Sigh...

In it all, I have missed my posting. I have hundreds of pictures on the camera that haven't even made it to the computer yet. There's still no room for them, so I don't even try. I've been ordering prints, puting on to disc, and deleting from the computer, and it's making a dent. But it is still a work in progress. Maybe that can be finished during tomorrow's rainy day. I need to get some recent pictures on here of my current, photographable three! The best I could find were these:

My Bella, nearly 6, before the recent hair cut and second lost tooth. Boy is it hard to get an un-hammed-up picture of her... She is just the biggest thing ever now. She spent 6 whole days at Nan and Pap's house for VBS, and only had one night of being homesick and needing Mama. She's reading at a third grade level now and spends all her free time doing just that. I love her love of reading. She has also been insistent on me enterring her into America's Got Talent, but says she would be too nervous to try singing a song with Pap's band first.
My Kaney, who has turned 4 in my blogger-abcense and also spent his first near-week with Nan and Pap. No phone calls home because of missing Mama there - just calls to tell me how much fun he was having and how many fish he caught on his first fishing trip. And he IS 4, meaning few pictures are snapped without a goofy face to go with them. My big stuff has decided to go to sleep in his own bed now - happened while sister was away - stays there most of the night now, and will actually go back to sleep in his bed if I'm in Max's bed at the time. Amazing...
My Maxwell, little mister big stuff. I can't get enough of who this kid is turning into. He is now so long, and thinning out, and just looks like such a big kid. He has his own wonderful words for many things - "oof" for nurse, howled like a wolf-pup now, with his head thrown back and his lips puckered up, "wavuv" for motorcycle, "woolamella" for watermelon, even though water is still just "wa"... I love his progression in to boyhood. He immitates any sound he hears - he does a super red-shouldered hawk - and is always pushing the limits of everything. His new name is Naked Wonder, because he will NOT leave his diaper on.
Life is fun around here, even though hectic. Hopefully our reality will become a little more of what we want now instead of what we have grown used to. Until then, who knows how often I'll get to this. But I'm glad it is here when I have the time...


Emily said...

Congratulations, Leslie!!!! So happy for you! As far as improvement around the house,
just do what's most important today and attempt the same the next day.

MommyJ said...

Congrats on the new little one on the way!