Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Am A Tulip

The kids are finally at the end of a nasty upper respiratory tract infection. It was just one of those viruses that everyone was getting, and we weren't spared. But after several days of fever and croupy nights for all three fought off with homeopathic remedies, they are down to just that lovely left over cough and occasional runny nose that will last for another couple of weeks, I'm sure. I finally feel like I have some energy rebuilding, and am happy to get back on this computer to update on recent happenings and Easter fun. Bella and Kane have gone to Nan and Pap's house for a few days, and with Maxwell and Baylee (for those who don't know, she is the darling little golden-blond princess who I babysit) soundly sleeping on this cool, blustery spring day, I am taking a little me time to post before it is off to the sewing machine to finish some projects still lagging behind. After all, it is windy, cloudy and rainy, and I have realized lately that I am like a tulip.

On this dreary day, I am all closed up, protecting myself from the doom and gloom.

Without any sun to open my petals, I just can't bring myself out.
The sun doesn't always have to be physical sun, though. I have had some emotionally cloudy days lately, and they have kept me closed up, too, even when it was sunny outside. There are some stormy things clouding up my head, which can block the sun right out. Ah, but the next few days are supposed to be gloriously warm and sunny.

I'll be out there with my arms open wide, soaking up as much of it as I can.

The shorts are coming out of hiding, and the tank tops, too.

I can't think of a better spring weekend, with projected highs in the 80s (!), for my niece's prom. Oooo, I can't wait. I'll leave here Friday for Mom and Dad's and stay through Saturday. There will be much primping, giggling, acrylic-nail-applying, hair-fixing, make-up-applying, photo-taking, girly fun, and I'm going to be loving it!! Even if it were gloomy outside, it would be all the sun I would need to open up and have some fun. So here's to you - I hope your weekend is filled with whatever sun you can find, even if it is gloomy outside. Let that inner tulip open up and soak up whatever sun or happiness you can find, even if it is in the middle of a storm.


Julie Zickefoose said...

Yes, you are a tulip. I hope that hot windy weekend reset your lightmeter, dear one. Check my blog Tuesday afternoon for a big shoutout to your utter and irrevocable wonderfulness.

NatureMama said...

I just DID check it out... Getting ready to comment :-).