Saturday, February 7, 2009

Busy Day

Today was an incredibly warm day - the high was 60! - and my kids could sense it in their bones. They needed some outside time, but the way it all turned out, our morning was spent running errands all over town which meant they were swept in and out of their car seats with a short time here and there spent in the fresh air. Then we had the most fun afternoon roller skating at a good friend's birthday party. They got some exercise today, that's for sure. And we all had a blast. I used to live on my roller skates, and for me it was like being a fish tossed back in the water. Oh, how I love to skate! And I LOVED taking pictures at the roller rink! The kids had lots of fun learning, and first off Kane was asked to skate by his friend Gianna, and off they went.
A quick check to make sure Mama is coming along...

Here's the Beautiful Birthday Princess Olivia, sitting tall amongst her guests. Don't you just LOVE that blue wall???

With our food allergies, friends' birthdays mean I get to make cupcakes to take with us. They enjoy them, get to participate, then I get to come home and eat as many as I want :-)!

Bella was pretty comfortable by the end, skating as fast as she could to me. She said on the ride home, "Mama, when I was skating, I was skating like a big girl! I was as fast as all the grown-ups, pre-teens and teens there!" Love it.

Kane gave up on the skates by the end and decided just to run. He was much faster that way. He had fun on the skates, don't get me wrong, but the boy needs speed.

Maxwell decided to join in at the end of the evening, out there by himself under the disco ball. Hew as enthralled by the lights on the floor and running along the wall.

They all were, really. Heck, so was I.

But by the end of the day, Kane and Maxwell got to spend their time outside on the porch, while Bella took a cat nap in the chair. Max was finally happy - it was where he really wanted to be.

Now, I used muscles today that I haven't used in awhile, so I'm off to bed to sleep it off! Hope you all enjoyed your day as much as we did our's!

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