This will be the last of my photo shoot posts. After the shoot in my last post for my friend Judy, I made a stop home to nurse my littlest and ran back out to meet my friend Crysta and her family. I have to admit I was a little nervous about this one. I had never tried to photograph a family as large as hers before. There are 8 in her family (although the oldest couldn't make it), nine if you include our best doggy buddy Luci who we dog sit when Crysta is away. But in the end I got a couple of good family shots and learned something new. I have a new favorite subject to photograph, and it's the male gender! Who'da thunk it. I have taken lots of photos of women and children, and it's usually quite easy, because they are emotional beings who wear there hearts on there sleeve. Not so with the gentlemen. So it is ever so gratifying to nab a shot of a man, be he grown or adolescent, that shows his true spirit, some raw emotion, because they hide that so well. But in a photograph there soul shows through more blatantly than I would have expected, and I love it. Oh, and a disclaimer: I edit my photos, usually having a natural coloration, a more antique coloration, and a black and white for each picture. Adam does NOT like the antique, he says it just looks like it was improperly exposed and it is washed out. I love it, I think it adds so much depth and character to the photo. I just didn't want anyone to think that I just took the picture wrong :-). Oh, and this post has a ton of pictures, because I wanted to include individual pics of everyone. All of the photos are on my Flickr site: